Studio Hannah Interior

Cookie Statement

Our website uses cookies to provide you with an optimal user experience.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small, simple file that is sent from the pages of this website and is stored by your browser on the hard drive of your computer or other device. The information stored within this file can be sent back to our servers on your next visit.

Use of session cookies

A session cookie allows us to see which parts of the website you have viewed during your visit. This allows us to adapt our services, as much as possible, to the surfing behaviour of our visitors. These cookies are automatically deleted as soon as you close your web browser.

Use of persistent cookies

With the help of a persistent cookie, we can recognise you when you visit our website again. This is a so-called functional cookie. The website can therefore be specially set to your preferences. Also, once you have given permission for us to place cookies, we can remember this using a cookie. This means that you will not have to repeat your preferences with every visit, saving you time and allowing you to enjoy our website. You can delete persistent cookies via your browser settings.

List of cookies

Cookies may be placed by WordPress, the content management system that we use. These are functional cookies. The storage period is 1 year. More information about this can be found in the privacy policy of WordPress.

Cookies may be placed by AddtoAny, a social media sharing tool. These are functional cookies. These cookies remember your social media profiles so that you don’t have to log in again and again. The storage period is 1 year. More information can be found in the privacy policy of AddtoAny.

Cookies are placed by Google Analytics. These are analytical cookies. The storage period is 2 years. More information can be found in the privacy policy of Google Analytics.

Google Analytics

Via our website, a cookie is placed by the American company Google as part of their Analytics service. This is an analytical cookie. We use this service to track and receive reports on how visitors use the website. Google may also transfer this information to third parties when required to do so by law or when these third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. We have no influence on this.

We have not allowed Google to use the acquired analytics information for other Google services.

The information that Google collects is anonymised as much as possible. We have asked Google to mask your IP address and we have established a processing agreement with Google.

Social media

Our website includes buttons to promote (“like”) or share (“tweet”) web pages on the social networks LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+. These buttons work by using pieces of code that originate from the parties themselves. Cookies are placed using this code. We have no influence on this. Read the privacy statements of these companies (which may change regularly) to find out what they do with the (personal) data that they process using these cookies.


The information that they collect is anonymised as much as possible. The information is transferred to and stored by Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn on servers in the United States. These companies have declared that they will abide by the Privacy Shield agreement concluded between the United States and the European Union. This means that there is an adequate level of protection for the processing of personal data.

Right of access and correction or deletion of your data

You have the right to request access to, correct or delete your data. Please view our contact page and privacy statement. In order to prevent abuse, we may ask you to identify yourself adequately. When it comes to accessing personal data linked to a cookie, you must send a copy of the cookie in question. You can find this in your browser settings.

Enabling, disabling and deleting cookies

More information about enabling, disabling and deleting cookies can be found in the instructions and/or by using your browser s Help function.

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